Friday, October 26, 2018

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Surviving the week. I took this silly selfie this morning to show that I am still upright and almost smiling.

That orange scarf. It's my favorite and I always get compliments when I wear it. Orange is my color. It looks good on me, but it also makes me feel good and fierce and sassy.

While I set my Burberry scarf on fire while stirring a pot of pasta the other night, I was able to put it out without causing harm or damage. And it was just a fake. I mused about how I put out fires all day long and then came home and went up in flames. We had a good laugh.

Jess joined us for an impromptu dinner Thursday night. It was nice to reconnect. She has a lot going on right now too and I feel like I haven't been there for her the way that I want to be.

Mike is transitioning into his new job. He's ready for a change and I'm proud of his promotion.

Our red doors. I wasn't sure about the color we chose. Reds are hard. But it's perfect and I cannot wait until they are all done. We have a lot of exterior doors. Hopefully, Mike will finish them this weekend.

Tigger, my shadow.

Peanut in his favorite place.

Pat and Candace got some good news today and I'm praying they get more next week. They are do.

I finished When the Lights Go Out this week. It's the second Mary Kubica book I've read this month and the last I'll ever read. Cannot say why I read two because I cannot give either book more than a 2. Now I can start a new book.

Fall. I'm not savoring October the way I usually do, but it is still my favorite, and I happen to think it's been beautiful. Crisp and colorful.

Seeing the sunrise. I didn't take many pictures this week, but I did manage to capture the sky at daybreak a couple times and while the sun rises every day, it never gets old.

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