Today I give thanks for...
Thunderstorms. I love the sound of the rumble and roar when I'm cuddled in with a good book.
Good books. I read one this week: The Girl on the Train. I compulsively devoured it in two days. I think it's the perfect beach read. Just like Gone Girl, I didn't appreciate the ending though.
guide. I cannot keep track as these terrorist groups seemingly multiply overnight.
piece on parenting. It made me think how my Grandma used to talk about walking miles to school rain, shine, sleet or snow every single day, and how my Dad talks about his Mom and Dad rarely making one of his football games. It made me remember my brother and I being turned out into the neighborhood for the day only to return when we could sense the aggravation in my Mom's calling for us...when she would go from yelling Krissy to Kristin! to Kristin Alyce!! It made me realize that it's a different world and some changes are most certainly beneficial, if not necessary, like not drinking and smoking when we are pregnant, always wearing seat belts and usually knowing where are children are. There's no harm and stores of good in supporting our children on the sidelines, in the audience and behind the scenes too. But there was a lot of good in having some autonomy growing up and also a little responsibility. Eventually our children will be independent and in charge of their own laundry...their own happiness...their own lives. If we do everything and are everything, we are only setting them up to fail. So I am recommitted to majoring in the majors and minoring in the minors.
A lovely Easter Sunday brunch at my in laws. My mil makes the best ham. And the leftovers we enjoyed all week. I scarcely had to cook this week which was a welcome respite.
These hams aka two peas in a pod!
The Badger basketball team. They should have won the National Championship, but at the end of the season, we're still cheering around here for all their heart and hard work.
Hearing from an old friend this week. We've lost touch in the last year, but now we plan to reconnect over dinner soon and I'm really looking forward to it. I've been thinking about her too, and I just love the uncanny way putting our energy and intentions out there delivers.
Ted's out with friends and Lily is at the school talent show so Mike and I have some time to do some planning for our summer road trip.