Saturday, May 30, 2009

1 Kid, 2 Cats, and a Hubby!

Make that 1 scared and clingy 75 pound kid, 2 bed hogging, leg cramping cats and a snoring, cover stealing hubby all crowded very closely in my queen-sized bed for most of last night!

I came to bed alone and exhausted to find my cats already staking their claims. I could seriously join the Cirque with the mastery of contortion I exhibited while weaving in between them as I got into bed praying that I wouldn't have to get up and use the bathroom lest I disturb them. They used to disappear when I turned the fan on, but now they actually seem to like it.

The next thing I know, it's 2:15 and I am woken by T. Bone climbing (like he's on a Mount Everest expedition mind you) in between hubby and I after a bad dream. I thought it was rather a coincidence that I was also having a very disturbing dream and momentarily thankful for being woken until I came to my senses and realized that all my dreams are twisted these days, and I'd probably pick up just where I left off.

I was right...that is until my hubby started to snore. Usually I can just reach over and very gently (right love?) ask him to turn onto his side and he is quiet as a mouse again, but I couldn't reach him because T. Bone was in between us. I didn't want to disturb him, of course.

So I chilled out (literally) as the fan froze my feet because I couldn't move them under the tiny corner of covers I had without jostling my cats.

Is it any wonder why I am up, and the rest of the house is still sleeping soundly?

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