Friday, September 16, 2022

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

A week of solitude. The timing was right to have a week to myself.

Peace in my bones.

Mike comes home tomorrow and I'll see my kids on Sunday.

We'll gather for my Dad's 75th birthday. I have some fun things planned and a gift I know he is going to love even though he says no gifts. I'm in charge of salad, mac and cheese, cake and entertainment. I take my tasks very seriously.

A chat with Lils this week. She was upbeat, happy and not even stressing about Spanish despite the fact she claims to be a little out of her league. She's joined several clubs thus spreading her wings. She intended to join the club golf team until she found put she was the only girl. I can't blame her.

What I know about Ted thus far is that he is hooping a lot,  golfing on Fridays and playing chess every night with one of his roomies. Oh and both of their ovens haven't worked since they moved in. That's 5 guys and 1 microwave.

I got up and out twice this week for a workout at the start of the day. I'm positive that decision is responsible for my glass is half full attitude all day today. This morning I met a beagle pup named Lola and I think she was a definite mood boost as well.

Family Secrets podcast is back and Dani Shapiro is releasing another book, which I pre-ordered so I can be a part of her upcoming writer's workshop. I've been in a reading slump all summer long so I'm looking forward to the release of Signal Fires. She's one of my favorite storytellers. I can never put her down.

The other thing that is making me very happy is Moroccan oil body and hair products. I smell the scent and I feel so zen. It is another mood booster. We came across a fragrance when we were at a salon recently and I bought it for Lily. It smelled so divine on her that I had to get a bottle for myself.

When Mike is gone, I often make a tuna casserole. It's nostalgic for me, but he doesn't share my fond memories of this childhood meal. That being said, I no longer use Campbells soup or American cheese although I have nothing against American cheese in other dishes. I divvied it up and gave one to Candace after our happy hour the other night. It makes me happy to cook for my peeps.

A long chat with my uncle this week. He's someone who misses my mom as strongly as I do. A trip across the lake is in our purview.

It's still summer here. The most sublime part of the season...filled with beautiful days and cool nights. Nothing is better.

Time to go apple picking. 

The first monarch of the summer. I crossed paths with the beaut this morning.

A rare picture of all three kittens.


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