Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A Freshman and a Senior

Yesterday was the final move: Ted to Madison. Back to Brooks Street, but in a new house. Today was the first day of classes. My son is more of a procrastinator than I am. I watched the sunset in my review mirror as I drove east to home. It was stunning. I was thirsty, hungry, tired and happy.

The first three are obvious as it's been a long couple weeks and a very long day, but I need to explain the last. The opportunities my kids have are hard earned, but they are also great privileges. None of this is guaranteed. We can work hard and still not get what we want. We can try and not succeed and we can succeed and still not be happy. Both Teddy and Lily are at the University of Wisconsin where they want to be (it was Lily's first and last choice). They are serious about studying and personal growth. And they are both very happy.

Lily met us at Ted's house. It's only been a week, but I felt like I hadn't seen her in much longer and I think she felt the same because she let me hug her extra long and only slightly poked fun of my enthusiasm. Ted was the last of the guys to move in (see above) so his roomies all helped unload the van. In anticipation of using their muscles, I brought a homemade meal for their first, or maybe last supper depending on the way you look at it. A batch of cookies too.

We got his room somewhat situated, but I could tell he was anxious to be with the boys who had a sudden urge to start putting the living room together. After he got the perishables put away (1 frig for 5 guys! One bathroom too!), we traveled the 2 blocks to Lil's dorm to deliver the important things: a better mirror, her fan (all 3 girls are simpatico with their air machines), berries, watermelon, more protein bars and a few other things. Her room is cozy and not just because it's 500 sq feet with 3 girls' worth of gear. They have a little sitting area, mood lighting, fun little touches.

I didn't stay long. I was parked illegally and Ava was napping. Lily and Faith were eager to get some dinner and not in the mood to go out. Lily walked me to the car and that allowed for a brief chat during which I learned that she is getting on great with both her roomies, and both excited and nervous for school to start after a week of very busy free time. I know she's craving a return to routine...a sense of normalcy. There were long hugs, but no tears upon parting because I will see her in a little over a week.

What's not to be happy about? ( I think the Amazon driver will even be happy to not have to stop at Casa Wags

The house is tidier and more quiet except for the out of sorts kittens wondering where half their people are. Hazel commanded a game of fetch at 6:30 this morning. I could hardly believe my husband obliged her. He's obviously missing his #1 girl.

In honor of the first day of school, I opened a new bottle of shampoo. It's a fresh Moroccan oil elixir the smell of which has lingered with me all day in the most pleasant of ways. And I saved a cookie to enjoy with my cuppa this morning. It's my favorite whole wheat and oat dark chocolate chip concoction. Word is the 5 guys and 3 gals liked them too. Also that Ted slept like a champ in his new room and Lily had a great first day of class. I will sleep well tonight.

 Ted's last day of summer vacay. He made dinner and dessert for his mom and dad.

 Lil's first day of college. F for first day, freshman, fabulous, fresh-faced or Faith.

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