Saturday, September 10, 2022

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...
An end to the packing, moving and unpacking. At least for now. 

 This week the only thing I ordered from Amazon was for me. (And the cats. Their Halloween costumes are definitely for me.)

The hardest goodbyes. Lily was not as smitten with Gus as the rest of the She is the forever champion of the underdog and Gus was the high cat. This summer though, they totally bonded and she can no longer deny her adoration for our gray goofball. So I'm grateful that they don't allow pets in the dorm because she would probably want to take him. Oh and Hazel was having nothing to do with hugs that day.

Tradition, legacy, culture, spirit, rite, pomp, precedence, history, success. Lily's in that W somewhere!

First roomies and now friends. These three are off to a swimming start and that is beautiful music to my mama heart.

Old friends, the first game, school spirit and that she thinks to send me a couple snaps even on game day.

Lily actually goes to the games. Ted sold most of his tickets Freshman year once he discovered it was a money maker. Lily is fully immersing herself in the experience. Maybe she'll be Bucky one day just like her dad.

I got the first panic call this week. She had her first Spanish class and the majority of her 30 classmates are fluent. I had a flashback to my first Spanish class in college. I was completely overwhelmed with our first task which was to read a novel. When I asked if she felt like she needed to find a different class, she said no without hesitation. She said that this will be her challenge, and then she wanted to get right off the phone so she could get to work.
Lily has been at school less than 2 weeks and she has already found the laundry room. That's something Teddy never did his first year. I just hope she's not doing a single pair of her favorite shorts like she used to do at home.

He does laundry now and he also cooks. Monday was his last night home so he made his signature pie which we have named Serranamo. It's a spicy pizza topped with hot sausage, slow roasted garlic, wilted broccolini and of course, serranos. Although Monday we had to substitute habaneros. He made tiramisu for dessert. It was a lovely treat and a great last night.


I do believe Ted's room was once the dining room, but we made it functional and cozy.

Teddy has gotten serious about his future fast. He has plans and goals, but he also has a good balance of work hard. He's a great storyteller, he has the memory of an elephant, he stokes his passions, he thrives on making connections and he never stops dreaming and scheming. 

This week's cat candids. Thank God for these three.

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