Thursday, January 20, 2022

Windmill Beach Winter Olympics Weekending

This week has gotten away from me. I've been an introvert preferring the company of my books and my kittens. It's Ted's last week home. I thought he had one more so now I'm feeling a little cheated even though he's been home for a month. Never enough time and that's why I'm grateful we celebrated our annual winter Olympics at Windmill Beach last weekend. WB is best in summer, but winter is a close second because, as you can see, it's still beautiful and the cabin is cozy. An ice shelf formed over night so the Polar Plunge had to be cancelled. I was going to forfeit that event for sure. Although our water lover, Lily, was disappointed.

On the way up to the lake it was snowing lightly and the flurries continued for much of the day. The dancing flakes made me happy. We started our events early this year so we were able to get them all in on Saturday. We brought back shuffleboard, golf, the ball toss and Wizard, which I took gold in. Introduced this year was Sequence. It's a new family favorite.

The events are always entertaining, but the best part is coming together for a weekend and making memories. That never gets old.

Sunday we bundled up for a trail hike at River Wildlife. We saw lots of wildlife...herds of deer, a bald eagle and a pileated woodpecker none of which were scared away by our raucous banter about Loyal Walking Stick, cold pop, bronchitis, recombobulation and farfegnugen.

We warmed up at the cozy cabin in the woods where we stopped for a hearty lunch. The guys went trapshooting and the girls headed home for mid-afternoon naps after our meal. It was hard to get up and go home. We were tempted to stay one more night, but we missed our kitties and knew they would be so happy to see us. They were.

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