Tuesday, January 4, 2022

New Year


The post holiday blahs have set in. They didn't hit me until yesterday. I love the week between Christmas and New Year. Time feels suspended, slow, still full of magic. It's seven days bookended between the two holidays and that makes it special.

It was a good call to take off the week. I needed it. I enjoyed it. There was a great deal of relaxation at home and that was fine by me. The kids planned a family date to the art museum ready to get back out in the world. That choice surprised and delighted me. We stopped for fancy coffees and then did our annual light tour along Lake Drive. We were a few days late, but better late than never. 

On NYE day, Lils and I got our nails done. I splurged for the fancy pedicure with scrubs and masks and it was so well worth it. It seemed like a good day to treat ourselves.

It was a low key NYE with Ted who was recovering from a bug. We made a nice dinner, watched a good movie and I was asleep before midnight. I woke up when Lily brought the party home to our basement at 12:30. Gus was the crowd favorite, but that's no surprise. The kids left at 3 o'clock. I was wide awake and wired until 4 o'clock.

New Year's Day I made two batches of soup and waited for the snow to fly. It never really did, at least not to the levels promised. I'm ready for a good blizzard. There is a snow advisory tonight. Fingers crossed.

I'm still mulling over resolutions, or rather, intentions. I prefer that word as it sounds more hopeful. My word for the year is light in its many translations: illuminated, incandescent, effervescent, airy, bright, undimmed, shiny, warm and witty. There are more, but you get the idea.

It was a rough Monday back at it yesterday so I went easy on myself at the end of the day. After a comforting pot of Chicken and Broccoli with Rice, I gave my self permission to retire with Hazel and my books. She was particularly snuggly. I think she knew I needed it. At light's out, Finn came in and was chattering and rooting around. He wanted prime spot under the covers in my arms. Finn usually gets what he wants.

This is a week of transition and I'm taking it one day at a time.

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