Tuesday, January 25, 2022


It's Tuesday, but it feels like Monday. Yesterday was a snow day. A lost day. Lost in the best sense of the word. Today it's 8 balmy degrees even with the sunshine and I'm trying to keep warm sipping my chai latte. I just heard from Teddy who returned after a month on the very last day before classes. He had his first tax class this morning and he said it was awesome. This is good news. Last night we texted while we watched the next episode of Ozark in our separate living rooms. It was hard to see him go. I've so enjoyed his company and the heart of our full house the last few weeks. Mike even commented on how quiet the house was this morning.

I'm also fast forwarding to next fall when Lils will be out in the world too. I don't see that as being an easy transition for this mama bear. She's my baby girl.

We had a good last weekend all of us together. We finished the first season of Ted Lasso and started Ozark. We played Sequence and Wizard. We did lots of shopping to restock Ted's refrig and his pantry. I also cooked up a storm to send him back with a stash of ready made comfort food: granola two ways, a hot dish, bbq chicken and a huge bowl of my spicy chicken ramen.

Ted went to the Packer playoff game Saturday and didn't get back to Windmill Beach until the wee hours. That's what prompted him to delay his return from Sunday to Monday, a delay I was quite pleased about. I was convinced I spotted my son and my brother in the Lambeau crowd, but it was their doppelgangers. What are the odds that their lookalikes were also together? My bil joined us for the game. Mike grilled wings and I made skins and we were perfectly happy to watch the game on the large screen tv in the warm family room. Well, not perfectly as it was a major letdown and a most disappointing end to the season, but it's only football.

Lily enjoyed a restful post-exam weekend. She killed her assessments. She did a little shopping, some hanging out with friends and family time too. She starts her new job at the club today and she's anxious for January 31st, when she'll find out about Madison. Fingers are double and triple crossed.

These deep winter days are among my favorite. There is a peace and quiet that comes over me like a warm blanket. I don't feel the need to go and do. I'm happy to stay and be. Yes, it's cold and often snowy, but my house is warm and the world looks serene cloaked in white. It's a good time to shut out the wide world and focus on what's inside.


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