Friday, December 11, 2020

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Christmas spirit. A before dinner walk around the neighborhood last night to gawk at the lights. There are decorations galore this year, which makes perfect sense. We are all home and we all need some bright festive cheer. Lils and I decided we needed to up our game a little at Casa Wags so I found the box of candles that I got from my aunt, and we put one in every window. We're getting there.

Family time. I am so filled up with the four of us home for another extended period. I love having family dinners and then retiring to the family room for an episode of the Queen's Gambit. Sometimes I don't love the loud rap music or the laundry that never gets put away or the blender that is always in the sink, but that's the small stuff.

Things are picking up at work. It feels good to be busy again.

A vaccine. It's a light at the end of the tunnel. There are better days ahead. Yet I wonder what life will look like on the other side. We've been living a certain way for almost a year and I feel that we are going to have a new normal.

Lily will be back in school at the end of January.

A new piano.

Reading before bed. I've been working my way through Cool For America. It's a book of short stories that I am enjoying until the end. Sometimes I feel like short stories end abruptly and the whole point is to make you ask huh?

Tea weather.

Homemade granola. Pistachio cherry was a tasty combo.

That I took so many pictures of Tig.

A quiet weekend ahead.

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