Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Christmas 2020 is in the Books

I have a gazillion pictures from our holiday celebrations, but I've yet to upload them. Looking back, I have to say that although 2020 was a bust, Christmas 2020 was one of the best ever!

Pat and Candace came by on the Eve Eve and stayed for a little holiday cheer. It was the perfect spontaneous way to enjoy the festivities of the season and it got me off to a happy start. It put me in the spirit if you will.

I was up early Christmas Eve morning and busy as a North Pole elf. I set the table, prepped for that night's feast, finished wrapping and took a walk in the woods with my guy. We had tickets for 3:30 mass. I am so glad we went, but I missed the packed to the brim church standing room only and the full choir. There was s a bustling energy that was missing. And Father Tim. However, I did not miss fighting for a seat, and the duo sang beautifully some of my favorites like: The Holly and the Ivy and Oh Holy Night. We all sang Silent Night and Adeste Fideles. I sat sandwiched between my kids feeling immense joy and happiness. Ted sang through the entire mass be still my mama heart. We drove home along the lake like we do every year so we could gawk at all the pretty lights and then we stopped in at my brother and sil's for a little Christmas Eve cheer. Christmas Eve was my mom's time and it doesn't feel right if the two of us aren't together to toast her. He carried on my mom's tradition of good and strong Tom and Jerry's. I had my first and likely last of the season. We went on our merry way home where we started opening some gifts. We paused to get dinner ready. Chicken and waffles was a unanimous family decision and a delicious one at that! The four of us participated in the making of the meal which we enjoyed with a little bubbly. After dinner, we resumed gift giving. Everyone was happy. Ted most of all with his new running shoes, Mike with his new razor, Lils with her Athleta leggings, and I loved everything, but was most surprised by a Vitrola. Yes, in the days of Spotify and Apple Music I am fascinated by vinyl. Our collection ranges back from college days so we rocked out to Def Leppard on Christmas Eve and for a little while I was back on Frisby Floor. After gifts, Mike went to bed, Lils went to her room to hand crochet a blanket for her Grandma the next day, I set the table for Christmas Day dinner and finished my glass of wine beside the tree in true McGurk fashion, and Ted went out because he is in college.

The days of Santa Claus were magical, but I don't miss them. I woke up Christmas morning to a tidy house and was able to set right to preparations for the night's gathering while the rest of the house slept. It was a more relaxed morning. The kids boycotted my annual cinnamon rolls because of our light and unindulgent dinner the night before. Instead they worked out. We purposefully planned the meal to be host friendly because no one wants to be slaving away in the kitchen on Christmas Day. It was also traditional and yes, delicious. The menu included Caesar salad, grilled tenderloin with a red wine shallot sauce, fontina and sage mashed potatoes, my mom's zucchini and tomato casserole, roasted Brussel's sprouts with balsamic reduction and fresh baked rolls. The other trick was to have the guests, who always want to bring something, bring the appetizers. It was smart, but I'm telling you between Judy's shrimp and my aunt's as big as my island charcuterie, we almost didn't need dinner. Before dinner, we opened gifts. It was still light out! The kids made out like bandits, or like the only kids in the family as they are. Everyone else was pleased too. Grandma Judy loved LOVED her blanket and Grandpa went straight to change into his University of WI Grandpa sweatshirt. And everyone broke the rules. What can I say, The Evans family is a bunch of outlaws! We sat down for dinner at 7:30 so only an hour late. Another Christmas miracle. Ten of us fit cozy around the table that I set with a combination of my Grandma Rosie's china and my china. Cozy is the point. My brother and Ashley brought a delicious magnum of pinot that paired perfectly with the steak. The guys cleared and cleaned up and then we headed to the family room for white elephant. Mingo, the singing flamingo, was the coveted gift of Christmas 2020. It had nothing to do with the fact he sings country music or that my aunt suited him up with a belt of fancy bottles (shots). Everyone except Grandma Judy left their white elephants at Casa Wags. Even Mingo who it will take a ransom to get back. I think maybe this tradition has run it's course. Speaking of courses, I broke out the panna cotta and the chocolate mousse for dessert. I couldn't decide so I made both. The night ended with a kitchen dance party. Don't all Christmases? The parting song was Meatloaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Lights. I kid not.

Saturday all the things I planned to do were dashed. Instead I stayed in my pjs most the day watching Netflix and hydrating. It was a lovely and much needed day of rest at Casa Wags. I would have stayed in all day if not for the fact that T Bone's birthday was Sunday and I needed to make him his favorite French Silk pie. He still hasn't eaten any, but I'm still glad I made it. Having a birthday two days after Christmas, sort of sucks so I always try to make him feel extra special.

Sunday we went to Mike's parents for a belated holiday celebration that was low key so different, but also very nice. I wish I would have thought to ask if we could celebrate Ted's birthday too because then my pie would have been eaten and he would have felt the love. Not that he didn't, but his birthday is so often an after thought. 

And now here we are looking at the end of the year...a year I think it's fair to say we are all eager to bid adieu to. Maybe I'm a little gun shy of 2021 because so much is still uncertain. It doesn't exactly feel like a clean slate or a fresh start, but the only way out is through so we don't deviate. We push on hoping and praying that better days are ahead while also grateful for the good days behind. 


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