Thursday, April 11, 2024


Lately I've been forgetting to stop in here. It's been a weird, but wonderful couple of weeks. There was no Easter gathering. We skipped church because Lily returned from Seaside at midnight. I won't do that again, but I must confess that I haven't been going at all regularly. It's really not a good thing.

Good Friday we had lunch with my brother and then dinner with my MIL and BIL. I cannot tell you the last time I've eaten out for two meals in one day. Not doing that anytime soon even though both were lovely. Shopping Costco with my brother was a trip and seeing my MIL after her months long trip was long overdue. I have to admit that I felt sad. Mark's birthday was the 28th and he's been on my mind. My heart's been heavy. He'll be gone a year soon and I so miss his kind soul. His loss leaves a huge hole in the family.

We had a speedy visit with Miss Lil before we packed up the car with groceries and ready-made, homeade meals for both kiddos and headed back to Madison. Baking and cooking for them was my church this weekend. I hope God understands.

We arrived at Ted's before he did. He flew overnight from Hawaii and made it home shortly after we made it to Brooks Street. He and Meryl were tired from a fast, fabulous week and overnight travel, but we got to hear a little about their trip and see some stunning pictures before leaving them with a pasta dinner and time to re-calibrate for the week ahead. The re-entry they were none too excited about.

There's a month left of classes. He'll be a Masters of accounting, Meryl will get her degree in Journalism and Lily'll be a junior (or really a senior thanks to those AP classes she worked so hard for and are now on the way out because "fairness"). It's a challenging month too because spring fever is contagious and infectious. It's near impossible to remain focused and it's inevitable that melancholy will set in especially for the grads. Those lasts are tricky. Heck I feel it too and I'm 30 never your mind years removed.

I'm home all alone now, but my aunt came for a visit Wednesday and kept me very very busy in the best of ways. It was a visit that was organic and effortless. That's the best kind of guest. She's comfortable at Casa Wags and she fits right in. Nothing makes me happier than when people are comfortable in my home. Make yourself at home, help yourself, my house is your house are not just rote sayings. It's what I mean and want.

We had lots of time together and with others too. I think my favorite was Thursday night when she chopped all the fixings for a kitchen sink salad and I made a loaf of bread, and we ate while watching Top Chef, which is in my city this season. It was just a relaxed and ordinary night. The rest of our time was go go go and there were plenty of other highlights.

We visited with my parents over lunch and Teddy over a pizza and a pitcher of beer at Memorial Union. She got to see both of the kids' pads and meet some of their friends. It was a beautiful day for a walk around campus. We also went out with two of her oldest friends...friends I've known literally my entire life. My brother and SIL came for a visit Sunday afternoon and then Loie left at the crack you no what of dawn Monday morning. 

Mike left for a few days in Chicago Monday afternoon. I'm here with Hazel and Gus who are missing Mike and Loie. Hazel's been especially chatty and Gus has been waking me up in the middle of the night for snuggles. His little wet nose against mine usually does the trick and when that fails, he bites my sleeve (and sometimes my arm) to get me to pet him. I'm a sucker for his sweet face.


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