Tuesday, April 16, 2024



I saw my first chipmunk of the season this morning. I'm surprised he slept so long because it's been such a mild winter and early spring. We spent a good part of the weekend in the yard and filled all of our yard waste bins to the brim. When they're picked up Friday, we'll fill them again. We have yet to touch the back yard. It feels so good to tend to the yard and to get things done. It's not time for flowers yet, but soon.

There were so many neighbors out and about. We met the couple who bought the house across the street. They had good juju and were friendly. I know they'll be a nice addition to our simpatico block. The warm weather brought out new neighbors behind us as well, but we've yet to meet them.

As a reward for our labor, we decided a movie and pizza date was in order. Civil War really unnerved me until I read about it Sunday morning.  With a little context, I am thinking about it differently. Any movie that makes me think, is not all bad.

Sunday we were back at it so it was a mostly productive weekend although there's always more where that came from. Peppered in was an impromptu dinner with Jess to celebrate the boss you know what she is. She just accepted a new job with a new company. So beyond excited for her. Also we had a little happy hour with my brother. It was good to catch up and to see him on the mend.

At the end of the weekend, we threw some burgers on the grill and I made potato salad. It's not something in my wheelhouse, but I threw together the usual suspects and it was D-licious. I had some Yukon gold stragglers and with the price of groceries these days, I'm hell-bent on not wasting food. 

At least one of the kids will be home for the summer. I have a feeling Teddy will be splitting his time between Meryl Madison and Milwaukee as he takes on the CPA before joining corporate America in mid-August. Lils is chomping at the bit to return to Casa Wags. She's over school and ready for a change of pace and scenery. I'm looking forward to the same.

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