Wednesday, December 13, 2023

I'm Working on it


Just me here again to complain about the lack of snow and my lackluster holiday spirit. It's going to be in the 50's for the foreseeable future. The bright side is that I will be able to continue my evening walks, and I don't have to think of what my utility bill will be when it really gets cold. 

I woke up this morning so crabby I could hardly stand myself. I am so laissez-faire about Christmas in 10 days that one would think it's the Guilded Age. I've been preaching the less is more and what will be will be, and suddenly I'm feeling like I want more and nothing will be if I don't plan it. The truth is I'm paring down everything this year and I'm perfectly good with that, but the lengths of my trimmings were not quite in sync with my affection for this season and adoration of this holiday.

The beautiful thing is that it's within my power and it is always my prerogative to change my mind. And contrary to the waning calendar, it is not too late. In fact, one of the most festive weeks is the magical stretch between Christmas and New Years when everyone is home. Our traditions have shifted with kids in college who come home just before the holiday. There's less anticipation and build-up, and while I'm a junkie for the crescendo, I know how to let it linger and linger and linger.

I know I'm not alone. I'm hearing this from everyone in my life from the cashier at the supermarket to my family and friends. Another thing I know is that sometimes I have to act the way I want to feel. This is also commonly known as bucking it up or putting on your big girl panties. Deep to my core I know this practice to work, but I've been stubborn, and I'm a good part German so I can be downright dogged.

I forced myself to put carols on this morning. I'm working away and every once in awhile I hear myself singing along AND I feel lighter, merrier, a whole lot less crabby. I think I'll make a batch of my Irish Cream tonight after my walk, and I may even have a nip. If I'm really feeling it, I may make a batch or two of cookies. Or I might not and that's ok too.

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