Monday, May 13, 2019

It's Okay To Have A Happy Mother's Day

I had a perfect Mother's day yesterday.
Well, near perfect.
It would only have been better had my mom been with us.
The day started with mass.
Judy often joins us on Mother's Day for church.
My dad decided to come too and that's sort of worth mentioning.
He pretty much left religion when he left the seminary obviously long before my time.
He attends when he must...weddings, baptisms, funerals.
So that he came was a big deal and then when he said he actually enjoyed it, I felt something smack dab between relief and elation.
Between us we have many mothers to pray for.
Judy received not one, but two signs.
And that she calls them signs made my heart swell.
After church, we came back to Casa Wags for a rather impromptu and celebratory feast.
The menu included eggs Benedict, Caesar salad, roasted small potatoes, fruit and then flan.
Rose All Day too.
I should mention that the Benedict is Ted's favorite and the salad Lil's.
Making them happy is my calling even on my day.
Especially on my day.
After a particularly simpatico visit, my dad and Judy headed home.
Ted left for a golf lesson and Mike for a visit with his mom.
I curled up on the couch for a nap without too much guilt.
It was glorious.
I woke to the smell of brownies baking.
Lil had been busy in the kitchen making dessert because we needed more decadence.
Mike was home in time to start dinner.
He and Ted worked together to prepare another light meal: chicken medallions, pasta aglio olio and roasted asparagus.
Perhaps, more Rose too.
I didn't lift a finger and I loved every single minute of it.
We took the plates hot out of the dishwasher from brunch to serve dinner.
We lit the same candles and gathered around the table again to toast life and love and being together.
I was gifted the mother load of plants, the best laugh I've had in ages and books I was coveting.
The handmade cards, as always, were my absolute fave.
My family knows me well.
I'm a lucky mom.
As we lingered around the table last night, I was smiling with all my heart.
It was such a good and full day with people I love and for that I can only feel blessed.

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