Friday, July 21, 2017

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Everyday life. The dailiness of summer days. The little things. My people and places.

My guys.

My girl. 

My boys.

Our yard and all the happy blooms. I had to replace my hanging baskets last week because they weren't doing well. My go to strepto carpella were sold out when I went to the nursery in June and so I picked something I wasn't all that excited about or familiar with. I was thinking that I'd have little luck finding something decent mid-summer, but there were some beautiful baskets on big sale. 

The blooms in my house too. I am especially fond of my growing collection of orchids, which I love not just for their beauty, but also their adaptability, resilience and thoughtfulness to bloom long and time again.

A loaf of challah and all its delicious possibilities.

My books. I finished Winton's The Riders. Someone recommended it as the best book they've ever read. I cannot second that or give it more than a 3 out of 5, but I don't regret reading it. I'm halfway through Love and Trouble, and anxious to start The Bright Hour.

Lunch with the girls this week. It was a long work week and their company (along with the homemade chips with bleu cheese) eased the toil.

Mike took a couple days off this week for himself. He's participating in a golf invitational with my brother and having a blast.

A fun weekend ahead and a 3 day work weeks for the rest of the summer.

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