Wednesday, June 23, 2021

These are the Days

It's officially summer. It's felt like summer here for at least a month so the longest day of the year came with little fanfare. In fact, I'll fess up that I am rather content with this week's cooler temps. Open windows make me happy. We've settled in as a family of four again. It's not seamless. I came home yesterday to a daughter irritated with her brother. The dispute was regarding chargers. I wasn't too pleased either to find his dirty pan in the sink. It was a scrambled egg pan from breakfast. But then he watered all my flowers and put away his laundry when I asked for the second time and in those small acts there was redemption. She offered unsolicited help with dinner and decided to eat pizza even though she's gone gluten free and that felt like amends too. We've been on a Margherita pizza kick preferring pies with just a smidge of sauce, fresh mozz and basil from the yard. Lils adds onion and sliced tomato, and I sneak on a few olives. Dinner isn't until 8 o' clock most eves after naps, workouts, the news and happy hour. 

Lily is finally enjoying the freedom of summer break, yet she's the first one up every morning to get to her 8 o'clock strength training class. I'm not exactly sure how she's spending all of her day, but I know she played softball yesterday. It was the fast pitch girls against the baseball boys. She had to pitch, and said she held her own. Then her friend came to meet kitties and go out for coffee. I almost remember being 16. Her job starts Monday, but it's part-time so she'll still have lots of time for fun.

Teddy is making the best of  his virtual internship. It's just not the same as being in the office with peers and mentors, but there is more structure and clearer expectations than he is accustomed to. At 5 o'clock sharp he's out the door to workout or golf or play poker. Twenty year olds can burn the candle at both ends.

The kit kats have had the run of the house for the last few days and they've been mostly well behaved. Some things are just too tempting though like plants and laundry baskets. Gus likes walking the plank or on the outside of the second story railing. He's fearless. It scares me to death. It's no surprise that they favor the same spots Peanut and Tigger always gravitated to although they are usually wherever their people are. My lap can no longer hold all three, but there are times they still try to make it work and I wouldn't have it any other way because these are the days I want to last forever.


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