Friday, June 4, 2021

It has been a beautiful week here in Wisconsin. I came home from work yesterday sacked after our lunch at Kopps. Naughty cheeseburgers and chocolate malts are rare because nap inducing, but I resisted the urge to snooze. There was an intoxicating breeze blowing and Lily's second to last soft ball game to attend. It was an uneven battle. The pitcher on the opposing team is certain to get a D1 scholarship. She was near impossible to hit, but it was still a good night. The stands were full with familiar faces and that in itself is something to be grateful for. My in laws made it to their first game of the season. They have been diehard fans over the years, but it's getting harder for them to come to games. I'm glad they were able to make it. I think they were too.

When we got home, I made the second pan of Spanish Chicken for the week. We love it so much that we don't even mind eating it two nights in a row and at 9 o' clock. It's one of those dishes that hits every flavor and texture, and every bite can be different. In that way, it is 100 percent satisfying. I don't always make aioli to serve on the side, but I'm glad I did this time. It completely elevates the meal and it's crazy easy.

I stayed up too late again last night and so I slept in this morning. I have been wanting to change that, but maybe I just need to accept it. I am enjoying these long, leisurely summer evenings and so why change? Why resist? It might be time to lean into the shift in acquiesce. Permission is liberating.

Today is Lily's last day of junior year. I have a senior. Boy that went fast. It's going to be a year of lasts. I'm not good with lasts, but I'm going to work on embracing and celebrating them instead of fighting them. My mom always said about the passage of time, What's the alternative? And my gramps famous saying was, And I should complain? They were both spot on.




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