Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Casa Wags has resumed some normalcy after two weeks with three new kitties. Things like exercise and cleaning are being added back into my routine, and it's time. I had a list of to dos this weekend that I mostly accomplished and boy did that feel like success.

I kicked off the weekend with a long workout and it was just what I needed. Usually, Friday night is pizza night, but we made a nice dinner instead because all the rules are in limbo right now and some beautiful pork chops were calling. Mike grilled them to perfection. We decompressed while watching a forgettable movie. It was delightful.

I was up early Saturday for kitty duty. While I waited for my grocery shopping partner Lily to arise, I cleaned out the refrig. I have such a love hate regard for this chore. I despise doing it, but it feels so good once it's done. Then I got to planning the night's menu. Uncle Mark and Cousin Tim were coming to dinner. The menu: Mike's ribs, Lily's chicken thighs, Magnolia Table Mac & Cheese, roasted carrots with lemon thyme from my aunt's garden and watermelon. Oh, and Smores bars that I saw Valerie Bertinelli make the week before. It makes me happy to throw a Saturday night dinner party. Dinner party sounds formal, but it doesn't have to be and this one wasn't. Sure I set the table, used cloth napkins and lit some candles, but the mood was relaxed...chill. It feeds my soul to cook for loved ones and connect around the table. The kitties visited the dining room for the first time that night and only tried to climb the curtains a couple times. Before the end of the night, all three were found atop the table. We retired to the family room to watch SNL. The last episode of the season was a good one. It was a good night.

Mike went on an early Sunday morning bagel run, and I made a big pan of scrambled eggs. Mark was gone before the kids got up. I got to work on my list. My biggest accomplishment was the kid's bathroom. It took me two hours, a bottle of Tilex, three Magic Erasers and a toothbrush to make it presentable shine. It is their responsibility, but every once in awhile it needs mom's attention. I also put our new sheets and duvet cover on the bed, did about 7 loads of laundry and washed the kitchen floor. Gus thought that was fun too. he rode the mop. Hazel did not. She hissed at it. I used Aveda's Shampure essential oil in my water/vinegar wash and the house smelled like a spa. Then I lit the lavender/white sage candle Cousin Gigi sent me and I wanted a nap. Instead, I cleaned all the window sills in the house and then went around closing them when the pneumonia front blew in taking temps from the 80s to the 50s. I'm not going to lie...the 50s felt good. So did a long, hot shower.

Mike made dough and I put together another Margherita pizza for dinner. This one extra cheesy and served with hot Italian sausages and peppers on the side. Ted went out, Lils went back to the dining room table and Mike and I retired to watch Mare, our new show. After all the streaming and binge watching during the pandemic, we both like knowing that we get this one episode Sunday nights at 9 o' clock. The kitties liked the playground I set up for them so they could get tired out for the night. They were all three toast before we went to bed.

I woke up feeling refreshed for a Monday morning. The energetic, positive energy lasted through the day. It was nothing special, but it was good. Mike and I enjoyed a walk after work, easy tacos were for dinner and I started a new book before bed. I stayed up too late reading so I'm not as spunky this morning, and yet, I know it's going to be another good day.


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