Friday, May 21, 2021

Grateful Friday

It's been a long week. I came home yesterday afternoon and hit the couch with my cats who were in nap mode. Mike was in his office, Lils was taking her AP Psych exam at the dining room table and Ted was golfing. That's a pretty quiet Casa Wags these days. Of course, The quiet didn't last. My dad came knocking on the door, Ted came home with stories of birdies and bogies,  Lils ran out the door to get to her game and the cats woke up refreshed. 

Grandpa came down for Lily's game, but JV and varsity were swapped last night at the last minute so he came to see us at home instead. It was a nice surprise visit.

Another nice surprise was the pizza dough Ted promised proofing on the counter for dinner. Never mind that I had to run to the store to get the toppings. I will gratefully take what I can get.

Ted and I each made a pie. I went with margherita and he opted for the margherita with Italian sausage. Lily recapped the game while the two of us rolled and tossed dough. Dinner was at 9 o'clock. The pizzas were yum. This is summer.

Ted and I retired with the kit kats to watch an episode of Below Deck, which is often cringey to watch with a child. Again, I'll take what I can get and he is an almost 21 year old child. Poor Lily had more homework after a long day and Mike was on a date with Pete. At one point, all three kitties were taking up space on my lap...all the space on my lap. They are growing. Ted was a little jealous. I handed them off when I went to bed at midnight. That's about an hour and a half past my bedtime, and probably why I'm sleeping in later in the mornings. Yep, summer.

I'm grateful today is Friday because I'm ready for the weekend. It's going to be hot and humid because...summer.

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