Friday, August 31, 2018

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Nine hours of glorious sleep last night. Not dreamless, but peaceful.

All the windows are flung open this morning. Welcoming fresh air, birdsong and even the sound of that damn yellow bus still perfecting its route.

I survived shoe shopping with Lily last night. Shopping with her is a lesson in patience these days. She is very particular and indecisive, and she really doesn't want or trust my opinion.

Grandma texted this morning to see if Lily would like to golf or school shop today. I'm thinking she's going to accept the latter offer and I'm hopeful she can pick up the few must have before school starts items that are still on her list. See above.

Golf couldn't be better. Well, it could always be better, but she's having fun and doing well. She's played in 2 JV matches and 1 varsity. She did not feel honored to be moved up, only annoyed and petrified, and yet she texted the coach of her own volition that night to thank him for the experience. I picked her up from practice last night and as she slid in her seat she declared her swing was fixed. It made me chuckle just knowing that Teddy is constantly fixing this swing or that. Welcome to the sport sister!

She kind of blew off my questions about freshman orientation yesterday saying it was no big deal, but then she confessed to me later that it finally hit her that she's going to a new school and that everything will be unfamiliar. I kept my mouth shut even though I wanted to chime in that this is exactly why they have the ninth graders spend the day walking the halls, dry running their schedules and meeting their teachers.

A new set of sheets. We were long overdue. I just happened upon a pair of nice ones on sale and in the exact shade of aqua that I need and love. I came home washed them and put them right on.

Fun family jaunts to both Chicago and Michigan this month. I love road trip adventures with my family and then coming home where our hearts and cats are.

How comfortable my aunt and uncle make us and how entertained they keep us.

I changed things up and walked my old route yesterday. It's farther and further so it takes more commitment. It was a welcome change of pace.

Lily and I stopped by to wish my aunt a happy birthday yesterday. One of her gifts was this beautiful bouquet Lily picked out at the farmer's market. After the scare she recently gave us, I feel like celebrating her extra this year.

The farmer's market. Lily and I made such a haul that our arms were aching when we got to the car. 

The fresh produce inspires me. I have some new recipes I want to try out this weekend. They involve zucchini and eggplant and cabbage and tomatoes and peaches and blueberries.

This book buddy. Lily finally finished her summer reading assignment. She cut it to the wire. Yet her brother is sitting beside me working on a Spanish paper and stats homework as I type.

My current stack. I read Everything Happens For a Reason on the way to Michigan. It was a quick read, but arguably not the best memoir I've read lately. While away, I filled in with some Lorrie Moore. Short stories are great for stolen moments. Some were better than others as is usually the case with any compilation. I started McLain's Love and Ruin on the way home. Although I am a sucker for a salacious Hemingway story, I haven't picked it up since I've been back. It's just been that kind of week.

A long holiday weekend ahead.

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