Thursday, February 25, 2021

Day 10

After not leaving the house for over a week, yesterday I had to get out. I did a couple no contact errands and then I just went for a Sunday drive on a Wednesday. It was a mood booster. I was inspired to make dinner when I got home. I have had zero kitchen inspiration during QT, but my taste is coming back and so is my appetite and thus my enthusiasm. I roasted tomatoes (romas and camparis) and garlic for my favorite tomato soup. It's simple, but delicious. The tomatoes and gooey garlic get shuzzed in the blender with some herbs after they are soft and brown. Then they go in a pan on the stove top with a pat of butter to cut the acidity and some good chicken stock. After about half an hour, I ladle the tomatoey goodness in crocks, add some diced onion (kind of makes the soup), and top them with a mound of sharp white shredded cheddar. Into the oven they go for 20 minutes until a crusty cheese lid forms. Lils made the foccacia. We hemmed and hawed about needing bread, and then we ate the entire round between the three of us. Family dinner is an important ritual at Casa Wags and I was grateful for its return.

We finished our game of gin while we ate. I was last night's winner. As we cleaned up, I felt happy to my core for my family, our house and even my health.

I am on my last day of QT and I'm feeling 75%. I'm also very much feeling like the naughty child for having contracted the virus in the first place. There is definitely a stigma attached to it. I think that's why I've been quiet here. I'm porous. Prone. Tired of questions about how I possibly contracted the virus. The virus that is airborne and highly contagious.

I think I'll go for another drive this afternoon and maybe even a walk. The exercise regimen I worked hard to re implement has been dashed during this bout, but it's time to get back to business. Spring is on the's in the 40s and sunny again today. 

Brighter days are ahead.


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