Friday, May 19, 2023

Grateful Friday

Pinch me! I have so much to be grateful for this past week, but I'm still busy celebrating our recent graduate. It's been a stretch of days that has me continuously counting my blessings, but I'll be back soon.


 My post graduation toast...more or less.

 It’s a bit mind blowing that we’re here today celebrating your college graduation.

Already here.

You’ve probably heard me say, years are minutes.

It’s especially true when I look back at the first time Dad and I brought you to Madison…

You were 6 months old.

We bought you your first UW cap not really expecting that one day you would become a Badger.

It really doesn’t seem that long ago, but it was almost exactly 22 years ago.

I’m proud of the young man you are.

You’ve always been passionate, driven, dedicated.

Albeit, the focus of your attention has changed throughout the years: Little Bear, Thomas the Train, Harry Potter, baseball…always baseball and all the sports, your squad, your future.

You dream, plan, set goals and make connections.

You don’t always see things through..Ahem Cloudy Cakes and 4 x 4 x48 come to mind, but don’t stop dreaming.

Yours is a bright future and that makes me happy and proud.

I know you’ve also heard me say, be here now.

Today is about today. Not the past and not the future.

It’s about the 4 years of hard work and determination that has brought us all here today.

We who have supported, championed, loved and lived vicariously through you along the way.

I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for that.

Let’s raise a glass in celebration and all say:

Congratulation Teddy!

On WI!

You’ve won this game.

Lily's toast brought on the tears! Not a dry eye in the house!

 Papa Wags killed his toast too.


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