Friday, May 5, 2023

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

A beautiful day today and  the rest of the weekend will be windows open weather. Spring cleaning is on the agenda. I'm Marie Kondoing my life. The only other musts are a dinner date with my guy Saturday and Hadestown with Jess Sunday so both wants tbh.

This week we finally got graduation plans squared away. I was trying to play it cool, but it was making me crazy. Getting 22 year old boys to commit to plans is like herding cats. I managed to secure post ceremony catering by the hair of my chinny chin chin and my cookie lady came through. My sister-in-law arranged Friday night dinner plans and now I can breath.

Miss Bit is coming home next week. I have missed her even though I frequently get adorable selfies.

Our kit kats for keeping us company whilst the kids are away.

We said goodbye to this view. The next time I visit Chicago, I'll be taking the train and staying in a hotel.

This view during my walk the other day.

Picturesque evening skies.

The good eggs. So very worth it.

A new kelly green shirt and a pretty yellow sweater. Not together. My son actually complimented me when we were FaceTiming the other night. It's fun to explore some new colors.

Hannah is on the road to recovery. It truly is a blessing and a miracle.

Mike and I are talking about becoming expats when we retire. We've always thought we would go north along lake Michigan, but it's becoming more of a possibility that we'll be on an entirely different body of water as this country continues to disintegrate.

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