Monday, December 13, 2021

Gus is 9 Months

Gustavo, Gusto, Gustarino, Goose, Baby, Tank, Silver Back, Silver Fox, Foxy, Mouse, Jitter Bug, Love Bug is the little brother with the larger than life personality. He's always fearless, often clueless and forever the funniest of the three. He was 8 ounces when we adopted him. As the runt, he's developed food insecurities. The guy is a bottomless pit and he will eat anything. He's usually the first to finish his meal after which he'll move on the his brother and sister's bowls, and they let him. He thinks he's a counter cat and has zero fear of the squirt bottle, his deterrent. It doesn't work too well and he's often drenched because, of course, it's another game. He's helped himself to my lemon water, my coffee and my wine. He tried to eat a raw egg yesterday, licked the peanut butter off a spoon last week and took a taste of bread dough while it proofed on the counter recently. The flour on his nose gave him away. In addition to being insatiable, he's also impossible to tire out. He is the Energizer Bunny going and doing all day and all night. He loves all toys especially the ones you are throwing for his brother or sister. Right now he thinks that bottle caps are cool and he's quite entertained by the Christmas decorations. He's finally stopped taking the lights off the dining room tree and he's only stealing an ornament a day off the big tree. He gets locked in closets all.the.time. We know when we don't see him for a bit that we better go in search of. He's usually just waiting patiently for someone to come to his rescue. He's quiet as a mouse. He doesn't meow often and his purr is even subtle. He is an escape artist. He's bolted into the garage a couple times. He loves all people including repair men and thinks he should shadow them. Gus loves to give nose kisses and love bites. His most notable feature are his eyes that are all pupil and his grey velvety nose and really just his whole compact cutie self. 

It is popular opinion that we should clone Gus. I've heard worse ideas.


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