Monday, December 13, 2021

Finn is 9 Months

Finny, Finnster, Finman, Big Boy, Big Baby, Brother is our resident scaredy cat, a bit of a bully with his brother and sister because he is biggest, and a lover of his people especially Lily. She carries him like a baby the same way she cradled Peanut. No one else can get away with that. His best features are his wily white whiskers, the heart stamped on his nose and his one black leg. We thought that Hazel was our chatterbox, but Finn gives her a run for her money. He's quite a talker too especially when we call either Hazel or Gus. He chirps loud as if to remind us...I'm right here. Don't worry about those other two. He is famous for the Finny Flop. That's when he runs right in front of you and flops down on the floor baring his belly for pets while stretching straight out. He loves chasing the bouncer wand and can get serious air. Hopper is another nickname. He likes to chillax in the tepee, on the top level of the kitty condo, or on Lil's bed. He usually doesn't quite get it that the bed is for sleeping. Every morning, he gets all three of the Kit Kats kicked out of bed because he gets zoomies. Finn loves to burrow in the covers and race around the bed. Don't get me wrong, he's a loving snuggler when he's in the mood. He can be a lap cat for spurts during the day. His is purr rivals the roar of a steam train. He bathes in the bathroom sink with water. He uses his paws like hands and washes up like a good boy. If he wants his brother or sister's spot, he simply lays on top of them. It's one of the benefits of being biggest. Finn is also a goofball. He got himself stuck in my sock drawer one day. I have no idea how he got in there. He likes to explore all the nooks and crannies of the house.

It's been so much fun watching his personality develop. He's sweet, smart and sassy and such a welcome addition to the family.

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