Saturday, June 13, 2020

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

I'm just squeaking in here. It's 11:30. It's been a good, full day. I worked from home today after heading to the office the rest of the week...four days in a row. It was good to be back. Today it was good to be home.


This was Lily's first week of summer vacation. She spent it with girlfriends going to the beach and jumping off the cliffs into a still very chilly Lake Michigan, going for coffee and lunch. long boarding and playing laser tag. She's at a sleepover tonight. The first in a very long time. She's already peeling. She's glowing. Summer suits her.

Ted is enjoying his last week of summer vacation. He starts his internship next week. He's excited. He came home from the golf course tonight, stayed long enough for dinner and now he's out playing poker for the fourth or fifth time this week. He's on a winning streak.

Dinner was a delish Chicken Milano. Friday is always pizza night at Casa Wags, but I had chicken that needed cooking. No one seemed too disappointed in the change of menu.

Teddy and Lily had a date for golf with Uncle B Bone and Aunt A last weekend. That is a perfect foursome.

Ted is the keeper of my Grandpa's old wooden driver. He asked my aunt if he could have it and she was happy to find it a home.

She's also setting him up nicely with lots of furniture for his apartment next year as they get rid of things before their move. Perfect timing.

We had our neighbors over last Friday for after dinner drinks. This is my new favorite entertaining gig. You put out a charcuterie board and keep the drinks flowing. It's super chill and we had lots of fun.

Saturday ended up being a very lazy day. I finally found late afternoon inspiration to replicate an endive and orange salad Ina made earlier. It is a definite make again. Endive and baby arugula tossed with toasted walnuts, chopped apple, and Roquefort dressed with the most refreshing orange vinaigrette. I took the liberty of adding a little bacon too. We rounded out the meal with T bones and roasted cauliflower. It was the only meal I ate all day, and it was all I needed.

My brother in law came for Sunday dinner. We haven't seen him since quarantine so it was good to catch up with him and on his kids. We have a fiance, a college graduate and a valedictorian.

Mexican fiesta at Casa Wags tomorrow. Friends and fajitas.

My hydrangeas have buds.

Lils and I finally made it to TJs this week. It was picked over, but we came home with a few treasures and a couple things we needed. Tigger was most excited for this new bath mat.

While I was walking this week, I noticed that the air was filled with the sweetest scents of lilac and phlox. It was intoxicating. Invigorating. Inspiring. I'm looking forward to hitting the trails this weekend.

When the whole family eats the dinner I cook. This bbq chicken skillet pizza is a real pleaser.

 This week's Tigger series...Cat napping.

A light at the end of the tunnel as Wisconsin's stay at home order expires.

It's perfect sleeping weather tonight.

Sweet dreams.

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