Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Oy Vey

So Mike left at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. A few hours later, I woke up to an iphone that wouldn't make or receive calls and a black eye swollen shut. Lily said I looked Asian. I felt miserable and was certain that my dental work a week ago sparked a virulent infection very close to my brain. Lily also said that she is now a firm believer that situations occur when Mike leaves home. I've learned to expect them. I no longer whine, cry, rant or rage. I laugh like a crazy woman while I put on my big girl panties and forge ahead. 

That meant setting up a follow-up appointment at the dentist and stopping at the Apple Store yesterday afternoon. Stopping in for three hours. It looked like Christmas. There wasn't a seat at any of the tech tables. The only good thing was that I felt so punky I couldn't be jerky. Truthfully though,  Danny and Joseph were rock stars who  recovered all of my pictures and sent me home with a loaner. My phone repair is covered. Most of the customers around me were not getting such good news. I thought I may be a witness to a Apple user uprising. The woman next to me had her Mac Book, Apple watch and I pad set out before her all with there own glitches and problems. It made me pause to consider what slaves we have become to technology and what an insane amount of trust and dependence we place in the all mighty Apple.

For the first time in my life, I didn't have a book in my bag. That being said, I don't know I'd have been able to read with my blurred vision, my teary eye. Instead I tuned in to the class that was going on at an adjacent table. The topic was making videos and it was quite informative. Interesting.. The only problem...I have a 7. It doesn't have the shiny technology. I'm pretty sure I'm ok with that. 

I was not ok with having to make another stop at US Cellular to activate my new for a week phone. At least I was the only customer in that establishment.

When I got home, I heated up a bowl of my mom's tuna casserole. It is for me the epitome of comfort food and I just happened to make one Sunday afternoon. I spent the rest of the night on the couch watching The Bachelor and I didn't feel the least bit guilty.

I just returned from the dentist and she's pretty sure I had an allergic reaction to the anesthetic used during my procedure last week. My symptoms were much improved today and now my mood is too as I don't need a root canal or further intervention. Next week, she plans to change my meds when I return for more work. I knew in my gut that it was a reaction. Well intentioned people tell me to seek treatment, but I know that I have to give my body time to adjust...to heal. An over active histamine response causes me to be allergic to anything...everything without rhyme or reason. It's fun to be me.

On the way home, I stopped at Trader Joes to get some wine, almonds and a bag of Lily's favorite Mandarin Chicken, which just may be dinner tonight. Then I picked up a stack of books from the library and I voted in the spring primary. It's drink wine day. After the week I've already had, I'll definitely have a glass tonight.

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