Friday, February 14, 2020

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

A week filled with the extraordinary ordinary. That is exactly as described. Nothing special. All things special. It comes down to approaching the everyday with gratitude. It helps to say thank you out loud. Thank you for this life, this day, this moment. Try it.

Thank you for this spectacular end of day sky. I call it Ribbons in the Sky and yes, I heard Stevie Wonder singing There's a ribbon in the sky for our love when I snapped this photo.

Thank you for the sky just after sunup spotted during an early morning walk. Thank you for the will to get up and out. It's the very best way to start the day. The day's onset sets the tone for all that comes after. I approach them with intention.

Thank you for a much needed Sunday snow day. It was the perfect day to stay in my pjs all day and indulge in cozy endeavors. 

Thank you for turning my yard into a post card. I love the way a wet snow paints all the twigs and branches.

Thank you for this responsible young woman who was beyond anxious to get her temps. She drove for the first time in snow and she did just fine. In 6 months she'll be ready for the Indy 500.

Thank you for a bowl of beautiful strawberries in the middle of winter. The girls devoured them after a Friday night sleepover. They left plenty of pancakes, but not a single berry.

Thank you for low key nights. Cat naps after work, family dinners, time to catch an episode of Outlander with my guy and read a few chapters before going to sleep in my warm house that makes me feel so safe and comfortable.

Thank you for fresh flowers and new plants that make me excited for spring.

Thank you for longer days, the warmth of the sun and Tigger who is a big fan of the light and radiant heat.

Thank you for squats that make my thighs burn, cream that makes my eczema itch less and Novocaine that numbs my mouth so I can endure a 4 hour stint in the dentist's chair.

Thank you for all the love in my life. Today and everyday. Thank you for hugs and kisses and chocolate.

Thank you to my love who came home with lobster tails and a nice bottle of pinot noir.

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