Thursday, April 18, 2019


it appears that wash co is indeed ted's course.
he shot a 79 on saturday and took 10th out of almost 200 golfers.
it sure was a nice way to kick off the season and it put him in a most agreeable mood for the rest of the weekend.
he skipped prom.
"too expensive" he complained, but he didn't shell out a dime last year.
he wouldn't have this year either.
just sayin.'
he met up with all his friends later at an after party.
before leaving for the night, he inhaled a beautiful ny strip.
mike stopped at the butcher and that's what he came home with.
jess came for dinner and a game of scrabble.
it was lil's first match and i think she enjoyed it maybe just a little.
she won't admit it lest i seek her opposiion again.
sunday morning we attended palm sunday mass.
every year when we sing were you there, i lose it.
it started to snow soon after we returned home.
it continued into the night.
it was a wet and heavy snow that blanketed branches.
somehow it was perfect.
it was a good day for sunday things...
brunching and reading and napping and baking.
mike made a delicious omelette, i almost finished my book, i snoozed with peanut and then lils and i made mini french silk pies.
mike slow cooked country ribs all afternoon and i boiled some corn for sunday dinner.
it was a good weekend.
a little evidence...

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