Saturday, April 27, 2019


My alarm got me up at 6:30 this morning. Lil asked me to be her wake-up back-up in case one of her two alarms failed to rouse her. She had to be at the golf course to teach lessons at 9. I obviously didn't have my glasses on when I set my alarm and for a brief moment I was grateful to be woken. I was dreaming about moving Teddy into the dorms. Everyone had already moved in. We were a week late and he was already behind. I couldn't stop crying. Sobbing. My heart actually hurt while I rested waiting to fall back to sleep. I didn't know how I could leave him there with those strangers in a strange pace. I didn't know how he would take care of all the things that needed to be straightened out.

And on that note, he has made a decision....we have a future Badger in the house! I couldn't be happier. I'm pleased because Madison has an excellent business school and it's only 90 minutes away. Mike and I tried so hard for the last several months not to pressure him into a decision, but he knew our thoughts on his future. Then he was golfing this week and something one of the mother's of one of his opponents said actually helped him gain clarity. She and I were Gamma Phis together at Madison. Here's to sisterhood and Bucky!

Ted had quite a week on course and field. He shot first place scores in two conference meets this week and he pitched a complete game for the win the other night. He hasn't pitched much this year, but he proved to the team that he hasn't lost his touch or his speed. The rallying cry is Teddy loves sports! That he does.

Lily had a more frustrating experience at the ball park. Her team cannot get it together. She played so strong at short and carried then team at both defense and offense. They left so many girls stranded that I lost count. I feel her frustration because she works hard and she cares. I have a strong feeling that she'll be playing varsity next year and that should be much better. It's not necessarily about winning for her, but she does take the game and her job on the field seriously.

Mike and I were at another ballpark last night. We were first row for Billy Joel's only midwest show on this tour. I'm forever spoiled by these tickets my brother scored. Sweet seats! My dad arranged for the limo, which was a smart and stylish way to travel. Further spoiled. All in all it was a great night and a long walk down memory lane. He played most of the songs I wanted to hear and he still puts on a solid show at 69. I'm glad I got to see him with my dad and my brother. Billy's music showed up steadily while I was growing up. Every song is a memory...a samskara. Only the Good Die Young reminds me of my mom and not just because she did just that. I sang that one for her...a not so silent nod. I was glad Mike made it back from the bathroom in time to sing the end of Scenes of an Italian Restaurant with me. That one reminds me of him.

Tonight we are hosting our friends for a graduation party planning session. That's the next big thing on the purview. After an beautiful spring week, we have snow in our forecast. Just how much is a point of speculation, but any accumulating snow at this point as the tender plants are coming out of the ground and the trees are heavy with buds, is too much. I felt a pang of sadness as I admired my neighbors magnolia tree yesterday. I just turned the heat back on. The cats are again curled up side by side after a week of spreading out and seeking space. It will be a good day for preparing a nice meal and a few festive ideas for our graduates.  

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