Wednesday, February 15, 2023

good weekending

It was a weekend spent close to home. We talked about heading to Chicago to take advantage of Ted's empty apartment, but we both admitted that we weren't up for going again so soon. I know the kit kats were grateful for that decision. It was a good one.


Teddy is having the time of his life in London with Meryl as is evidenced by the photos they are sending. They both look blissfully happy, and you know how that makes me feel. I'm living a little vicariously and looking forward to hearing all about it! He's got the travel bug now.


Lils is a bit homesick. I remember how hard it was to go back second semester when the novelty had worn off and the weather was less than ideal. That being said, it's been unseasonably warm...spring-like, and that has eased the transition. She's got a full, challenging load this semester and is feeling the pressure to know what she wants to do with the rest of her life. I keep reminding her that is an elusive question. She's taking it easier on herself.


We had a lovely visit with my mother-in-law and brother-in-law Saturday night. We caught up over dinner. The timing was perfect as she will be gone for the foreseeable future enjoying the beach life in Florida. Mike made ribs and I made twice baked taters. The best part of the meal imo was my sour cherry tart. It is the perfect dessert when served with a good vanilla ice cream.

That tart has a history. I babysat for a family all through high school. They were the perfect family only they weren't. No family is, but I idolized them and hoped to one day have a similar life. The mom went to a fancy French cooking school, but she rarely made meals. She did make this tart though and I was impressed. It was so simple, yet elegant. I didn't go to culinary school, but I think my tart is just as delicious as her tart was. And I do have the life I dreamed of...not perfect, but so very good, and really nothing like their life, which is also good. 

Jess and I met for our February show: Hairspray. I wasn't excited to see it because I've seen it numerous times, but, of course, I enjoyed it. Sandie Lee was an impressive Motormouth Maybelle and Andrew Levitt was a brilliant Edna Turnblad. The Edna/Wilbur duo was perfect comedic pairing. My favorite viewing is still our high school performance put on by a cast of familiar, talented faces. That's difficult to top. We stopped by for a spontaneous visit with Candace after the show not ready to go home yet. We shared a bottle of wine like old times..good old times.

I was home in time for kick off. I had no skin in the game, but I enjoyed it more than the commercials. I like most of Rihanna's hits, but I didn't care for the militant choreography. It felt too much like a nod to China and I'm no fan.

Here we's already Wednesday so the week is moving along. We went out for a movie/pizza date for Valentine's and it was nice just to get out of the house in the middle of the week with my guy and away from the news that is stranger than fiction these days. Lily loved her Valentine box of sweets and surprises, and also the go ahead to treat her roomies to a galentine dinner on us. From the look of things, Ted has plenty of romance in his life right now. I'll probably stock him up with groceries this weekend in lieu of treats. And I should complain? is good.

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