Friday, August 13, 2021

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

 Electricity. We were without it for 24 hours after a dicey storm Tuesday evening. The first night it was a little bit festive playing cards by candlelight even though it was like 90 degrees out. I went to bed certain that I'd be woken in the middle of the night to lights and sounds. Nope. My office was without power Wednesday too so I stayed home and read almost 500 pages of my book. It was almost nice to be disconnected from devices for 24 hours, but by Wednesday evening I started to feel isolated and anxious and tired of being sweaty all while being fully aware that this is a first world problem. 

 Teddy found a way to stay cool.

Clean refrigerators and freezers. That's one benefit of losing power for an extended period of time. I finally gave in and started tossing and then took what was salvageable to work. I wasn't home for 10 minutes before the power came on. I could only laugh.

Another benefit was having Teddy come with me to work yesterday for the WiFi. We chatted throughout the day and had a NY style pizza delivered for lunch.


Working from home.

New carpet in the family room. Furniture is coming Tuesday. The cats are loving the wide open space though and I almost wish I ordered less furniture.

Mike sold our old furniture.

Matt Haig's The Comfort Book. I got it from the library, but I put it on my bday list because it has so many nuggets in it that I can't copy them all. And I sort of want to give it to everyone I know.

Challah French toast with a sampler of Vermont maple syrups.

The kittens are 5 months old. Sweet Sister Hazel.


Special Gus.


Finnegan McGoo.



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