Saturday, August 3, 2019


I held out until 7 o' clock this morning. Peanut slept beside me most of the night, which was a first in as long as I can remember. That's Tigger's spot. Pretty soon we're going to start feeling sorry for him. Peanut started to try and rouse me before the sun came up, but I was still almost sound asleep and only mildly annoyed. He stands on me, meows in my face, and tries to eat my hair when he's really determined. He gobbled up his baked cod this morning with gusto. He's been back to lick the bowl several times. He'll go back to lick it again and again until his next serving, which should be dinnertime, but I know I'll break down and give him lunch. When people are hungry, it is my nature to feed them. His new food comes any day and then things will hopefully normalize at Casa Wags.

**Just as I typed this last sentence Tigger regurgitated his breakfast. He doesn't throw up like ever. I've had to ration his food so Peanut doesn't eat it and apparently he ate too much too fast. I feel like I'm really being tested here.**

We'll get through this. The other night when I felt utterly hopeless, I prayed. My mind went to the worst case scenario and stayed there. Yesterday hope returned. It was a better day. I persevered. With the help of a new doctor, we are on a path of healing with fingers crossed.

If you find yourself here and you don't know Peanut or you don't like cats, that's ok. The message is when life gets hard and messy, we have to ask for help. Help from Him and them. Them being whoever can lend a hand, ease the burden. And then we have to dig in. Face things. Do the hard work. The other message is to trust your instinct when you know something is not right. Don't bury your head in the sand or accept mediocrity. Divine intervention occurred on our path when the vet we'd been seeing ended up on vacation this week and we were reconnected with Dr. Rice. I knew the other doctor was not giving us what we needed, but he's nice, he's the doctor who could see us when we came in with an emergency and what do I know about cat colitis? 

Let's just say I know a lot about it now. And I have a renewed faith in keeping the faith.

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