Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hey August...

Welcome and please stay awhile. I need more colanders of tart sweet cherries and prize winning watermelons that disappear despite the fact I'm sure we won't be able to eat the whole huge thing. We do. I want more family tennis matches and game nights. I just found my Rummikub game and am thrown back to summer visits with Lovie and Bob, my grandparents in Utah. They were of the generation of digesting before getting back in the pool. After lunch (half of a liver sausage sandwich, 10 Fritos, a clump of grapes), we'd stay at the table playing a game. Usually Rummi.

I want to keep painting my nails pink and wear white, skirts, flip flops. Last weekend, April gave me the most therapeutic pedicure. I didn't ask for the ultra pampering, but she knew I needed it. I went from the verge of giggles to holding back tears as she worked her magic. My feet are ticklish. As she went deeper, she released samskaras hence the emotional tide.

I need to spend more time at the beach, in the water feeling weightless and buoyant. Lenwood Lake has been mentioned and I'm in for old time sakes. I need to shop farmer's markets, attend festivals and a beer garden or two. I confess that I haven't done these things yet, but the best of the harvest is beginning and Irish Fest is this month. State Fair too. I haven't been to either in years.

I have to eat more flavors of the day for dinner and ears of sweet corn just because, cook with the fresh herbs from the yard, take more walks and have more talks. I need to take more pictures, read and write more words, steal dreamy afternoon naps and enjoy happy hours on the patio.

I need more time with a full house...the four us...sometimes five...sharing days and nights. I'm going to miss buying overly priced cold brew, stocking the frig with berries bi-weekly, tripping over the shoe graveyard in the back hall and hearing my kids rib each other about anything and everything. I might even miss the perpetual lack of ice for my water and their always messy bedrooms and bathroom. A happy home is like your best loved pair of well worn jeans: comfy, cozy, soft and forgiving. Constant and true. And Casa Wags isn't gong anywhere even though they are.

I just made my first pitcher of iced tea, finally got my summer haircut and made a classic summer playlist this week. I've taken almost no time off and that's not OK. 

So August...please linger, dawdle and crawl. I want to make the most of it all.   

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