Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Happy Birthday Baby!


First birthday week celebration.

How is it so, you, my baby turned 20 this morning shortly after sunrise? And yet you have always been an old soul...tender-hearted while wise far beyond your years. You are an uncanny combination of softness and strength. You know who you are, what you believe, what you want. You know your worth, and live by the golden rule. Your internal compass is perfectly calibrated. 

Being your mom and watching you mature into a young woman, fills me with pride and joy. Mostly joy. You work hard, live healthy and know how to have fun. I don't have to poke and prod you to take care of  your business, and never have. You get things done with the exception of cleaning your room (yes, I had to throw that in there), you keep yourself accountable and you discover your own dreams. I've long said it was my job to give you roots so you could find your wings. Trust them. Open them wide without fear of falling. 

You're soaring baby. You're about to start junior year with a semester in Barcelona on the horizon. You have a healthy bank account after a summer of full-time work and plans to explore Europe while you are abroad.You want to go all the places and you should. You are thick in the training for your Ironman in September. I think it shows incredible fortitude and discipline to take on such an endeavor and I cannot wait to cheer you on loud and proud, but it doesn't take swimming, biking and running 70.3 miles to champion you. You make that easy everyday Lily.

After your long morning bike ride and a trip to early vote as a family, we're going to the State Fair. It's been awhile since we've been there. I'm looking forward to spending the beautiful day having fun there with beautiful you. I know you won't request a corn dog, we won't spend hours going between the fun house and the tilt-a-whirl and dad won't have to carry you to the car and that's all good because as much as I miss your chubby, kissable baby cheeks and all the years in between, I love and celebrate the woman you are today. The extraordinary young woman you are today.

I love you to the moon and back Lily,


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