Friday, August 16, 2024

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...
This girl and her guy. I'm pretty sure she felt the love last birthday week. The final hurray was Sunday. It was a beautiful day for a party. This is the extent of the photos I grabbed. I was busy helping Mike fry chicken for Chick FilA sammies that everyone very much enjoyed. Ordering a French silk pie from the Public Market was a wise call.

A few people were missing, but with us in spirit. I dug out this hat that Nanny bought for Lily's first birthday party.

A successful move out day. We were up and out early Saturday. First stop was Orchard Street to pack up Lils. All went smoothly and thankfully we didn't have to contend with the sectional. It has a new home next year as the girls have a furnished apartment that we will be moving her into before month's end. Brooks Street was next to move Ted out. That too wasn't too bad because we only had to deal with his bedroom. Anything in the common areas we left after 2 years and 5 guys I need say no more. Plus Casa Wags is bursting at the seams. The basement is a furniture warehouse.

And yes, I'm thankful for basements. UHauls. The White Whale. Strong kids.

This constant companion. She is the sweetest cat I've ever known.
Ted has been steadfastly preparing to take his second exam for the CPA. The kitchen is his office, but wherever he is, his studies are too. Audit it up this week. He passed his first, Financial Accounting Reporting, with an impressive score of 94. I think he's feeling the pressure to keep up that trend because if he does, he'll get a nice big bonus.

He starts his job after Labor Day. First off is a trip to Disney for on-boarding. Gus will miss him.

Lots of good family time lately.

When Ted suggests a movie night. This week it was Nocturnal Animals. It was worth the $4 charge.

When Lily suggests a movie date. Next up is the new M Night Shyamalan movie because we are thriller junkies.

Sweet corn is finally at it's peak. And thanks to my mil for bringing us a dozen ears that we've been enjoying all week. Gus too is a fan.

This one pan chicken fajita BIG pan that is all gone because it was absolutely delicious. It's about this time of the year, late summer, that I get a hankering for pasta. Turns out the rest of the family had the same craving.

Leaning into this Chinese Proverb: Tension is who you think you are. Relaxation is who you are.

Wearing white, linen, flip flops, straw hats and pink polish.

It's Irish Fest this weekend and we are able to go. This is our week to be up north, but not this year. And Sunday is supposed to be lovely. It's a great place to kick off my birthday week.

More Lily and Gus.

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