Thursday, August 22, 2024

Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my birthday and it was just sort of perfect. I heard from everyone I expected to and a few that I didn't. These days it's texts or calls in lieu of cards, but that's's just a different mailbox. My peeps were more excited than I was and made my day very sweet and special. Truth is, I started celebrating last weekend as one does when your birthday is smack dab between two of them. You know what that means...I'll be celebrating this weekend too. And tomorrow is already Friday. August is a tease.

We had plans to picnic on Windmill Beach at the end of the day, but it was a little chilly for swimming  so we played tennis instead. Ted and I took Mike and Lils, but they were formidable opponents. I lost track of the number of deuces in game five of the set...a game I'm not exaggerating when I say lasted 30 minutes long. All I wanted for dinner was not to cook and Kopps' Spumoni custard so burgers is was. I didn't know my family surprised me with my very own decadent French Silk from Honeypie. It'll be a sweet stretch of days around here. They further indulged me with a game of Rummikub after dinner although they didn't let me win.

I woke up this morning to the smell of Lil's cup of coffee. She baptized the Nespresso Mike surprised me with last night. He done good. I didn't want to get out of bed though because there was a chill in the air, but then I remembered that Ted had his Audit exam- 4 hour Audit exam - and I wanted to make him a good breakfast to fuel his brain. Results forthcoming, but his exam went well so mission accomplished. Ted is able to take a breath and Lily will be able to soon. Her Ironman is in 3 weeks and she's been training diligently. Saturday she's going to bike the course with Cousin Tim who is also competing. Then Sunday she's going to break out her wet suit and do her first open water swim of the summer. It's going to be warm. Hopefully Lake Michigan will be too. 

It's been a stretch of quintessential summer days and we're savoring each one. Nights too. Last Saturday we sat down for dinner after dark, which is more the norm than not. And then we lingered at the table talking and playing games. I felt beyond grateful that we all enjoy this togetherness. The wine was chosen deliberately, the steaks cooked beautifully and the waffle fries almost worth all the work they took to make. Larry is much better on the mandolin than we are, but I don't regret my State Fair purchase. I have very few regrets at all this summer.

Scenes from last week...


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