Wednesday, June 14, 2023

week ending and beginning

I was up at the crack butt of dawn again today. It's 7:30 and I already logged my miles. I'm happy to be here now to log some words. Gus is sitting here eating the cat friendly bouquet Meryl sent us. (Yes, there is such a thoughtful thing!) You could tell me there's a better way to start the day, but I wouldn't believe you. 

Driving home from the Amtrak earlier, I noticed that all my fellow travelers were wearing safety green or neon yellow. Tis' the season. There is construction on nearly every road I use and routes change by the day. It used to frustrate me, but I've since accepted it. There are bigger fish on my mind than physical infrastructure. Things like democracy and mental health and the fact that my grass is hay and it's not even summer yet.

It's a cool, misty morning so the trails were lonely. We need the rain and, truthfully, I prefer it that way: gray, temperate and quiet. I listened to the first episode of The Other Latif on the first leg of my walk and Eric Church on the second. The podcast is a good recommendation from the young people in my life. Eric Church is always a good choice. I'm starting to get excited for his show next week.

On Friday we said goodbye to my brother-in-law in a manner I know Mark would have approved of: no pomp, no circumstance. My mother-in-law has a tribe and they all showed up. They always do and I've always envied that big bursting clan. Friday I realized that these are my peeps too. The best part of the night is when the immediate family gathered around my mil's table and told Mark stories. The lights flickered a couple times. He was with us.

Saturday I realized to my core how much we're all going to miss him. We had a pizza pool party and he always loved a party. My husband and the kids (who now that I think about it are all young adults) played a very competitive game of Marco Polo. I could see Mark getting in on the fun. The two of them would have dominated and taken every opportunity to gloat about their prowess even at this stage of life.

It was hard to say goodbye Saturday eve because there is comfort in being together. Once we all go our separate ways, life goes on. How can life go on?

It can and it does. 

On Sunday Jess and I had our last musical of the season. We saw Tootsie. I cannot say I was looking forward to it, but it was light and cute and just what I needed. I came straight home after and watched AFHV and continued to lol while Mike and Lils made dinner.

Ted was back from his weekend travels first thing Monday morning. This is his second week of commuting. We're just grateful he only has to go into the city three times a week. Lils started her summer camp duties this week. She has a group of mostly sweet four and five year olds, the sweetest being Romeo, but of course. 

I'm finally starting to get in some kind of groove...a very loosey goosey groove. That's exactly the kind of routine that speaks summer: flexible, forgiving, with a focus on fun.


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