Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Mid October

Last night I finished one book and started another. Monogamy was a quick, compelling read. I was wrapped up in Annie and Graham's artsy, intellectual world. It was pushing midnight, but I was eager to keep the momentum going so I picked up my next book. Now I'm getting to know Elle and Peter, family and friends. It's going to be another page turner and 75 pages in, I like it even more than my last read.


I finally turned off the light. I struggled to succumb to sleep. That rarely happens to me so didn't let it work me up and eventually I crashed. I was woken in the dark by my feline trio. Hazel was her snuggly, lady-like self, Gus was jitter bugging all over the bed, and Finn came up announcing himself with a loud and lengthy song of mews. Then the early morning antics started and Mike got up to show them out only to lock them in. It was 6:30. I was awake and thinking about my new protagonists so I decided to get up.

I haven't been up before dawn in quite some time. It felt good. I've been lamenting the shortness of my days and getting up earlier is the best way to make them last longer. After a couple chapters and a coffee, I motivated for a walk. The air was muggy. The saturated sky promised rain. The path was busy with familiar faces and littered with leaves. I get lost in a podcast, but I always notice things and people. Things like the deer grazing on the softball field. The three friends who walk faster than I run. The two friends who were listening to gospel music while they walked. I looped them and on my return they wished me a beautiful day. It's so easy to be kind I thought. Goodwill is not lost on me especially in today's mad mad world. It's important to pay it forward.

I was in the mood for music on my way to work. Hamilton is Sunday so Hamilton it was. I was early for work today and I never got a 3 o'clock slump. I am almost as excited to see it a second time as I was the first. I'm feeling grateful to be able to experience the show with my daughter. Theatre is what I've missed most during the pandemic. Lils has always been my play date. I have zero regrets about buying season tickets because it's something we very much enjoy doing together. It will be good mother/daughter time during her last year at home. A Sunday matinee makes the whole week better.

She was hard at work on college essays last night. She shared her first draft with me a little deflated, but I was quite impressed and that was a confidence boost. After her tour Friday, she's stoked about Madison. Now this really matters to her as it should. I too feel good about her continuing her education there and would love having both my kids in the same city just far enough away for a stretch.

 She had a fun 24 hours with her brother. I thought he might show her the wilder side of campus life. Instead, he treated her to a fancy dinner and even ordered her two desserts. They ended the night with a stroll on State Street. She was in good hands. These two...they are my heart.


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