Thursday, October 21, 2021

About Last Night

Friends came for a spontaneous dinner last night and it was lovely. I live for a good dinner party on any day of the week. It doesn't have to be a Saturday night to set the table, decant the wine, pull together a meal and gather around the table. Stick with me here because I want to share a little secret. There is something satisfying about not having the time to fuss and stress. It's liberating to not let perfect ruin good. In fact, I passed on a last minute grocery run and decided to just make do. Instead of buying a fresh bouquet of flowers, I combined two bunches from last week and discarded the tired stems. It was just right. I made the gnocchi mac and cheese the night before, marinated the chicken in the morning and made a huge salad complete with dressing after work. I even had time to bake a cake. Yep. You read it right. At the last minute, I whipped up an Apple Crumble Cake that may have been the star of the meal and we didn't even miss the ice cream. A single slice was left for me to enjoy with my coffee this rainy morning.

We lingered around the candlelit table smack dab in the middle of the week, Mike and the ladies, until we were all caught up and shored up for the rest of the week.

We sent Sue and O home with leftovers for Pete who couldn't come for dinner. Eliana took a piece of cake to go. We cleaned up the kitchen and were able to catch the end of the news before turning in after a good night. A real good night.


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