Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Last Night

So these end of summer days feel like the dog days. It's hot hot hot and I'm craving not hot. It's confusing when the street lined with maples I drive down every day looks like fall. The tippy tops are turning claret red and slowly and then all at once the trees will be flaming, but I'm still sweating.

I bought ingredients to make a big pot of chili this week. Instead Mike is going to make a crock of taco meat for salads. It is not soup weather here yet.

That being said, the evenings have been perfect. Last night we sat outside for a drink after dark and it was lovely. We were downtown to see Tucker Carlson with RFK Jr and Larry Elder. After all the ideas, we had to process, chat, chill. When Tucker said he decided to do this tour because live speech is the only free speech, it rang true in a very uncomfortable way. Everything I know about the Fourth Estate supports what he said. He also pointed out that there is no such thing as misinformation. There is the truth and then there are lies. Yeah and then there's rhetoric aka propaganda. 

Larry Elder spoke on the dangerous predilection to pin all of our nation's problems on systematic racism and RFK Jr put big pharma on the hot seat and not just for Covid, but for all of the ways that it behooves them to keep us unhealthy.

Enough on that except to say that it was actually an uplifting evening spent with like minded patriots. In real life, I keep my political values mostly under wraps because I have to. I have a decades old friend who once said to me that she could never be friends with a conservative. She told me as a consort in confidence unaware of my leanings, but it's stayed with me for years. My lovely neighbor was bloviating about things I disagree with and I just smiled. I was at a dinner party recently where people were celebrating the attempted assassination of a former president. I stayed quiet. I share this because I think there are a lot of people just like me and that gives me hope.

Hope that someday I will be able to stand up for my beliefs without the fear of cancellation or retribution.

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