Thursday, September 12, 2024

IM Weekending

 Lily W you are an IM.

This weekend was all about Lily attaining the goal she set for herself one year ago. A goal she trained for with fierce dedication both physically and mentally. I had faith she would complete the race, but I was not expecting her to do it with a smile on her face all the way to the finish line. I was a proud mama, but more than that I was beyond happy for her because I could imagine the way she felt after doing such epic shit. My adrenaline was on overdrive and I only did 10 miles. It was my privilege to support her from the sidelines. We did our best to cheer her on along the 70.3 mile route. Our best was pretty good too. We managed to see her at least 10 times. The support she had along the way was responsible for the beast attitude she owned. I hope she never forgets that feeling. I also hope she never forgets how loyal her tribe is. Fam and friends showed up.

It was a beautiful and bustling weekend in Madison. There was a lot going on in the city and that only added to the excitement. After getting her gear to the Terrace and checking out the welcome reception, we met the fam for a carb loading pizza dinner at Lucille's on the square. It was an early night for most of us save for Meryl and Ted who are young and can burn the candle at both ends.

It was a very early morning...earliest for Lils. Chilly too. In the 40's. But the sun came up like a loadstone rock. She had nerves. We all had nerves, but once she got into the 71 degree water it was game on and race on.

My phone died halfway through the race and it wasn't a bad thing because it forced me to stay in the moment instead of trying to capture it for later. Amongst us we got some great pictures and there were photographers all along the course as well. 

This will do for now.


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