Friday, September 27, 2024

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

The first day of fall. It almost slipped by, but then the change in temps demanded I bear witness. Sunday was cool and rainy and perfect for a slow start. The kit kats slept the day away, the guys were all about football, and I finally felt compelled to make that pot of chili. 

Being included.  It was an honor to be invited to the family celebration for our new neighbor's four year old daughter. They had the most delicious Arabic/Mediterranean spread and everyone was so welcoming. Pizza is the typical fare at most 4 year old's birthday parties, but we ate lamb like I've never tasted before and like kings and queens I might add. The cultural smash-up was a reminder that the things that define us need not divide us...Christians, Jews and Muslims breaking bread together.


After the party, we stopped at Len and Sandy's for a glass of wine to see their beautiful new kitchen. 

Another birthday. We celebrated my dad's birthday Saturday. The kids came from Madison and that was a happy visit. The girls had to eat and run, but it was just good to see them and feed them. The fajitas were certainly a yummy treat. They took cake to go. The guys played cribbage and the ladies chatted until it was time to call it a night. A good night.

The start off this week was wet and more seasonal. My pots are leggy and not very lustrous, but I'm not quite ready for pumpkins and mums. I'm thinking about them though.

Rain. We really needed a good soak.

The extended forecast is 70s by day and 50s and 60s by night. 

A compliment this week that is still making me feel extra good days later. I think is was validation I so needed to hear.

The reminder that kindness is never overrated and it always goes a long way.

Ted is a dad. Meryl welcomed Manny her adorable kitten recently and he's loving the care package I sent him.

Today the W's picked up Winnie the cutest puppy I ever did see.

The girls found a house for next year. Now they can just enjoy football season in their free-time. Housing is cut-throat in Madtown.

Dinner with friends tomorrow.

Linda is on the mend and coming home from Mayo Sunday.

Our trip to NYC is on for November. I've never been to the big apple during the 11th month. Fa la la.

A snazzy new pair of navy loafers for my trip. A pair of pjs too...a must for traveling.

I finished Tom Lake. It was not my favorite, but I'm glad I finally gave it the time. In all fairness, my disconnect may be the fact that I took forever reading it that caused the impact to fall short.

Sister Hazel sleeping beside me all night long.

Breezes and barred owl calls through open windows. Wind chimes too. Crickets still chirping and  geese honking and all the sounds of the world waxing and waning.

The flavor is Butter Pecan Sunday. Tomorrow is my Mom's Heaven day. Close enough to call it a sign.

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