Tuesday, August 16, 2022

That's Life


 Today, I motivated for a walk before work. It's something I have gotten out of the habit of doing despite the fact it is always the best way to start any day. The promise of a crisp morning was the biggest factor in luring me out of bed this morning. We've been enjoying a stretch of days, and especially nights, that strongly suggest fall. I'm not complaining because it's my favorite, but I realize that I am always 6 weeks behind the season. 

That being said, I had a hankering for mashed potatoes last night, and they hit the spot. The foray into comfort food begins. Although this week I'm trying to make Lils some of her favorites and then next week, I'll oblige Ted as well. When he and I talked the other night, we decided we're going to Glorioso's for the good stuff. The only thing Chicago lacks is home cooking and golf. Cats too.

Ted's work is winding down this week. I edited a paper he wrote for graduate school last weekend and by edit I mean added a couple commas. I was blown away by the growth not just in his grammar, but also his voice and confidence as a writer. He was writing about professional ethics for accountants and I was engrossed. I was like Dang, that's my kid sounding all savvy. And of course he is.

Lil's work is revving up. She worked an average of 9-12 hours a week this summer, and now suddenly she's almost full-time, a fact she is not wholly embracing. I get it, but I like it. She'll like the fat paychecks too.

She's basically set for school now. We went to the mall on Sunday and did some serious damage and I'm holding the loot as booty until she culls her closets and drawers. I've been asking her to go through them all summer and here we are the last couple weeks and there's no way she knows half of what she has. I get that too. I am a keeper myself. Sharing a room with two other chicas means she's going to have to be discerning about what she brings.

In this house we do baptism by fire. I make lists, cross things off, add more and then at the eleventh hour we are always scrambling. This method has never failed us. I do not regret things like a kitchen dance party the night before school starts or hosting family dinner the eve before we leave for Florida. We lean in to it and get to where we need to be. Yea...maybe a little tired and missing a few things, but that's life.


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