Thursday, July 28, 2022


Is it Thursday already? I'm finally unwound from the busy weekend celebrating our recent grad and soon to be 18 year old. The weather didn't cooperate, but we made it work with a full house. I was watching the weather all week which said hot hot hot, but the severe weather that popped up was not in the plan. Luckily, we didn't lose power and had a menu that relied very little on the oven. The food was delicious, the cake an absolute hit, and the house looked festive thanks to Mike and my aunt who decorated every surface. Not to mention the numerous bouquets Lily received. By the end of the night, Lily said her social battery was dead. Mine too.

There was little down time in party planning mode while simultaneously hosting out of town family, but this is an observation not a complaint. We had a lovely stretch of days with my aunt and uncle who came over from Michigan with our favorite Red Haven peaches and boxes of big, fat blueberries that Lil's eats like popcorn. There was talk of how to freeze, but I knew they wouldn't last that long. 

Friday we went to Windmill Beach because they have never been. The sight of Lake Michigan is nothing new to them. They live almost directly across on the other shore where the water is warmer and wavier. That was true even on this 90 degree day. We could only wade in the water. On the way back, we stopped in Port Washington for dinner. I had the best fish fry in as long as I can remember.

I was up early Saturday and hit the ground running. Everyone chipped in and we were all set for guests at party time. My aunt and uncle left after breakfast on Sunday. Mike and Teddy left for Madison to officially move out of W Wash. Some time in August we will move Ted back up to Madison for his last semester as an undergrad. He'll be back on Brooks Street, but in a different house with 4 other friends. On August 31st, Lils will be blocks away in a triple. Until then, we will make the most of the month ahead.


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