Tuesday, November 17, 2020


This blog is becoming a weekend review. I'm not compelled to keep up the way I once did and that's okay. I'm still grateful for the occasional bits and pieces I manage to capture.

The weekend began again with dinner out on Thursday for Mike's birthday. He chose a favorite Mexican spot. It was festive with appropriate social distancing, and it was delicious. It felt like a special treat to be out two weeks in a row. The whole restaurant (all 10 people) sang Feliz Cumpleanos to Mike and the waitress brought him a shot of tequila. He approved.

Friday we were finally able to connect with my brother and sil. It's been some weeks so it was good to be together for happy hour (more tequila) and a big plate of nachos topped with the leftover tenderloin from the week. I'm pretty sure I want steak on any nacho I eat in my future. We caught up on life, took silly selfies, cried a little, hugged a lot.

We watched the Badgers win Saturday night in the Weslow's cozy family room. Sue made delish flank steak tacos and one of her amazing salads. She is the queen of salads. I brought a birthday cake for dessert to celebrate both Mike and Sue, our November babies. We were home and in bed by midnight, which is sort of unheard of when the four of us get together.

That was a good thing though because we had tickets for mass on Sunday morning. It's out first time back in a very long time and we all agreed that we've missed this almost weekly ritual. It was comforting to be in our pew singing and praying with other masked parishioners. I signed up again for this weekend. It will just be Lils and I as Mike will be up at the cabin for deer hunting. I felt out of sorts so the rest of the day was sort of lazy, and thus, perfect. I got sucked into a movie mid-afternoon. The Impossible had me in tears, but as sad as it was, it was also incredibly beautiful and inspiring. Mike watched the Packers play. Lils was busy with homework. I made two soups for the week: A Tortellini with Spinach and a Poblano Pepper with Chicken. I've been meaning to make both recipes and Sundays are always good days to chop and stir. Mike made dough for pizzas that night. We enjoyed our individual pies while we watched Undoing. It's been such a long time since I've watched anything real time. There's an urgency, an excitement with regard to gathering around the t.v. with the fam to see the latest episode. And then just like that it was time for bed and for another week. It's freaking me out a little that we're here in the middle of November, but I guess this happens every year.

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