Thursday, January 9, 2020

Is It Friday Yet?

There's no heat in the house this morning, but the sky is on fire. It's a bone chilly 53 degrees so I'm sitting here with a hat on sipping an endless mug of steaming coffee. I thought Tigger was just being sweet for staying by my side all night long. I never considered that even with his authentic fur coat he too was cold. Cold to the touch this morning. His poor little nose was ice. Lily was hard to find under her pile of blankets covered from head to toe.

It's become a running joke here at Casa Wags that whenever Mike travels for work, some sort of crisis of some degree occurs. It used to be sick kids. Not with common colds, but strep or the flu or some obscure ailment. It's been the car. The garage door. Blizzards. Once it was even an intruder I scared off the roof as he peered in the bathroom window at me. I came face to face with him in the open window. I believe he was more scared than I was as he tumbled off his perch. Then I raced down the stairs, out the front door and chased him down the street nine months pregnant while toddler Ted slept soundly in his bed. Never poke a mama bear. Then my mom came to stay the rest of Mike's trip to protect us with her fierce shih tzu, Charlie. I can't explain it, but I never felt so safe.

Ah, I digress. All to say that a faulty furnace is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I mean really, just watch the news.

Mike went south and Ted went west so it's just the girls this week. Mike's in warm and sunny Miami and Ted is traipsing around Colorado from ski slope to ski slope. I had big plans for us, but it turns out that what we both were craving was just a quiet, low-key week. I'm just happy that we are on the same wave length. It's been a week of easy dinners, editing papers, watching the Jeopardy championship, chatting before we go to bed at the same time.

We're getting up at the same time too. I've been grateful that she, who is impossible to rouse, has been getting out of bed after a single wake up. She's been pleasant in the morning, chatty in the car on the way to school and spending less time in her room after school.

Mike has been working hard - long days that go into the night with dinner and drinks. Teddy has been in his element. Skiing under the sun on fresh snow not wanting the days to ever end. I get it, but I'm glad tomorrow's Friday.

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