Wednesday, January 22, 2020

This is January

Teddy is back at school two days into second semester and Lily is in the middle of her first semester exams. It's beyond my comprehension that we are already the better part of the way through January. When the kids were little, I often liked to say that the days were long, but the years short. At this point, I want to go on record to say that both the days and the years are short.

I know that the next few months will fly by and then we'll be a united family of four again, but I find this only mildly comforting. That's because I love this time...these days...and I would be happy were they to last much longer. It's been said that time flies when you're having fun and also that the years go faster as we get older. Both are true.

It's also true that this time of year makes me melancholy. I have to work hard not to become a shut in. I'm adept at hibernating, holing up with books and blankets, making stock and baking bread. That was all a perfect storm Friday when I hosted book club on the snowy night. We talked about Homegoing while enjoying hearty bowls of Patsa Fagioli and Zuppa Toscana with warm foccacia in my dining room still decorated for Christmas. I sent all the ladies home with soup and hunks of homemade bread. It always tastes better the next day, and we're still enjoying the leftovers here at Casa Wags. There are times a pot of soup seems endless. I made my frister's favorite Sunshine Cake for dessert in honor of her birthday. I've never made it before, but I too enjoyed it from time to time at Watts Tea Room. That Milwaukee icon is closed now. No more tea sandwiches or etiquette classes, which Lily took many years ago. (I still remember the look on her face when the instructor told her she could eat the flowers on her plate during the final tea. She ate mine too.) I underestimated the task of this recipe. I didn't have the right pan, the French pastry cream was fussy and I had to make the 7 minute frosting 3 times. It was at least 70 minute frosting, but I didn't mind because #foodislove #foodismemories. We enjoyed the meal and made memories that night. I will do just about anything for that.

I highly recommend Yaa Gyasi's debut novel that spans 8 generations and 2 continents. The prominent themes centered on family, legacy, language, freedom, forgiveness and power. The power of story and who tells the story. That's as relevant today as it was hundreds of years ago. I didn't agree with any of the criticism I read after I finished the book and I'm grateful I went into it without preconceived notions. I thought Gyasi accomplished what she set out to do and I'm still thinking about the book. For me that is a telling litmus test.

So everything is good. Cozy. Calm. I'm just feeling a little quiet. It's sort of a January thing for me. My fire will return. It just needs a little stoking.

Some Sparks...

 Tigger the watch cat

 All set. Soup's on.

Krissy's Sunshine Cake. Not a looker, but made with love.

Family dinner. A little pasta carbonara, A lot of broccoli. It's all about balance.

 Snow white roses in my Mom's vase..

 My beggar boy staring at the frig waiting for tuna.

 Snowy Saturday. Snow and Saturdays.

 Morning routine and this book...such a gem. Coffee and tulips too.

 Sunrise on a chilly morning walk.

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