Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Birthday Baby

At 248 years old, America is very young. That's nothing in nation years. Dog, cat, human years...sure, but as far as civilizations go, we are still in our infancy. Despite all of our flaws, and oh are there a litany, today is about independence and democracy and perseverance. I hope we can be united on this one day on the ideals upon which our states were founded. 

Casa Wags is quiet. Teddy is in Ohio on Lake Erie for the weekend, Lils just left in her Jeep with her bike in back to hit the country roads for some training, and Mike is still snoozing. There was a steady stream of families on foot and bike making their way to the parkway for the parade. That brings back a flood of memories...a wave of fleeting nostalgia. How I loved painting their faces and helping them decorate their bikes We'd make our way to a spot passing friend after friend in route. It was Americana at it's best.

I miss the big 4th of July bash that we'd host every year. Friends, family and fireworks. Cold drinks and hot bbq. The tradition ended when Windmill Beach took over. It was the better back drop for the holiday without a doubt. We'll head up there today, but even that young tradition has changed. There's no house on the beach right now. It's a sad story and not mine to tell.

We'll stay at the Tree House and I know it'll still be a blast...literally, if the impending storms hold off for Marge and Barry's firework extravaganza. Forgive me as I wallow a little. I am not known for embracing change. Or the fleeting nature of time.

How is it already July 4th? I know there's a whole lotta summer left, but I also know that the weeks will fly by and it'll be September in a blink. I'd like a pause button about now.

Now I'm off to make my ranch dressing, cut a watermelon and chill some rose for today's birthday bash. Freedom is worth celebrating.


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